Friday, January 26, 2024

Walking at 68 degrees outside earlier today felt just grand, the snow melted almost completely, and yet our dog found a small patch to pee on and leave his mark!


Order reestablished in our neighborhood, an ever-

Changing order to fit the moment to add to our

Moods , met our neighbors and their dog , asked

The temperature and he, gazing down at his watch

Said 68 , earlier he had mentioned he was hot

In his shirt already, that it should not be this

Hot at this time of the year, he is rifght, too!

Jonquils might get the wrong memo and start popping

Up to what is definitely only now temporary,

And sure to change on the gust of a breeze or

The drop of a dine, so, to all of us now

Saturate and bathe our senses in the glory of

Both this beautiful breeze and 70 degrees now,

Put out the cushions now, make a fire perhaps

Later in the fire pit and then change course

As a rain is gonna fall tomorrow, maybe

All day and into the late night and dark as

We sleep and make dreams vivid to remember

In morning and perhaps them turn to reality!

Calm is here for the moment, so thankful for this are we!

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