Saturday, January 20, 2024

Am I the only one that really gets me? In annocean of other fish out there? Am I so square, so dumb, so simple minded,bso not savvy?!

 Is there a point? Is there a purpose or goal or end?

Why should any of this matter? Get organized in

Either an organized or not fashion, combine the

Two if you can, judge less, work with purpose and

Pursuit and passion in your expression, react, inter-

Outer ACT, make those synapses of yours carry fully

Charge messages to and fro, row your boat, pace you

Yourself , work through things and sleep well when

You stop. Do not let others be the boss, find other

Ways to make ends meet, start fresh as often as you

Can, walk away for awhile from a task and return

With clear eyes and look at the big picture as often

As you can, listen, too, take in

, absorb, feel the

Magic, let yourself rejoice in your life and all its

Many glories, untold stories, write  your own then

Share them when you can, some  will listen, many

Will not, they may follow but then for what reason?

SO: move along and keep that stiff upper lip in place

And always stop everything to let you dog give you 

A bath, you must need it and the love

It brings, otherwise what is it all about!?!?

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