Thursday, January 25, 2024

That flow to write to grab and throw together whatever, as the stimulation may be as calm as still water on the surface but rapid churning, yearnings and burnings clear through that liquid,so intense is that calm surface to put down whatever!


Go with my flow as I go as I live fullering MYself!

It’s a period, some say creativity, it’s strong indeed

It’s there fair and square , real, alive, existing within

Have to get it somehow, in some fashion, without

For without that release that is so real, the wheel

May not turn, may not squeal, that alarm of energs 

Those geez wizzes those quizzes that energy so

Trapped, so darned asleep for so long, the need to

Release or burst, that thirst must sometimes be so

Answered and come first that unleash that cum 

That balls juevos joy at nagas joie a cette poitrine 

No matter what language, the one of love of pass

,You  may not pass on passion, it is simply not

Your option, you must, as you are caught, not

Fair but so square be it ‘tween, as a teen or old-

Er so there so definite yet not defined at all, you

Have no options, it is going to happen , so be made


Ca et bien OUI,  we must carry on and to and every

Day and night toward as a great state of fully-living

Mind meets meeting so casual so constant, life-fine!

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