Saturday, January 27, 2024

My life of deletions and editing my editions and deciding quickly now what condition I would like these editions orvseriesvthatbtheybwill bebinntonsharensometine!


What condition is my condition in to edit to delete?

I am constantly here working fervently to almost 

Feverish on deciding of myself, my photos and

My posts and videos what to not delete just as of

Yet as I indulge my fingers and snap so many images

I feel drawn to snap and share as I see both  their

Beauty and their values, and sometimes as I snap so

Quickly they are so similar to one another yet so different 

Too, telling the shades of a story, really of split seconds,

Fractions in time, so  yes I learned my fractions in school,

Like Joni, I thought I knew them well, but as I gaze

Down upon them on my iPad I realize I am spell-wrung-

Spun by them with the finest yarns ( I love to spin my yarns,

But that is another subject,  another series of fractured

Thought ) that I do not know them at all, though I recognize

Them and remember them , as if yesterday or even today,

Familiar, fascinating , magical ,poetic, artistic ,wonderful,

I do not really know much about them except that they spark 

My instantaneous smile, they are me, mine, histories in so

Many thousands of moments, relived here, perhaps , the story

Not at all finished or complete, and so I struggle with the

quest and question : what to delete what to keep, what May

I now live with and without, from within to without? Down

The waterspout goes the black spider spinning his or her web!


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