Monday, January 8, 2024

A point of turniture , like me, mine, getting rid of my furniture, lighting my firemmmmmture, create, to mold, to UP, down, shake, quake, of words of my own making, remake, retake, put my neck on the block to chop, so be it, I am sticking to my toy guns that I used as a child of the fifties plating soldiers Tarzan, Bat Masterson and American native Indians!

 So rewrite , or reread or re-understand life as it

Really happened, not fashioned by those that

Have everything to gain at our very expenses

At our very real lives worth living not so edit

Edited by jerks in search of glory, fame, money 

Their amusement ‘cause they are so lame, such

Sorry pathetic excuses for human beings that

Have forgotten forsaken their very humanesses 

To be filthy greedy, bullying, controlling bastards

Bastions of eve il and rot and puriture and penises 

Gone wrong vile vain villainous vampires so

Bored they must denigrate degrade disgrace our

Very wonderful collective communal community

Humankind human and once more much kind

Kinder Empathetic sympathetic understanding 


Move over, make room, you hog the space

Pigs, pathetic, puny, piney, puney, penile

You disgrace our male collective beautiful

Penises! You sure do, grow another, come

Along, make us proud of you, wear you

Penis and use it for good and not utter


I know what has gotten into me - appreciation 

I know what has gotten to me - stink of human


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