Friday, January 12, 2024

My mission is getting clearer clerearer clearerest clearly so cleat to me now, one, being one in focus, focusing 150% on what really matters, kicking in the butt those which do not!

 So the magic the mystery the mighty the myriad of wonder

Continues to continue to materialize from my actions and my

Deeds that indeed are serving me better as I move along smart

Artfully, full to filing to ooooohhhhh over-spilling in enthuses 

Enthusiasms mind and body and soul and spirits orgazms and

Epiphs and climaxes and charges of my inner bulls my balls

And juevos and states of both mind and being that make me

Spill over constantly moving along from one ride to catching

Another on all the energies happening all around me that I see

And feel more clearly, more distinctly, believing and realizing

Them as I hop on and ride them till either I fall off or they run 

Out of gas and fizzle as if a gentle rain was enough to do that to

Them with their lovely, cooling gentle touches and dabs drizzle!

And so we go forth, not holding hands, largely aware of the other

Yet somehow touched equally by the constant haphazard presence

Of the other, effecting one another, impacting somehow, not at all!

Ooohhhhhhhh joy ohhhhh boy, go for it all along orvreadvTolstoy!

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