Saturday, January 27, 2024

To be up, to be up, for what ever more, life, to embrace from last night’s embers, whether Decembers, Novembers, Septemtembers,neven Januaryembers! The body always remembers, is cheered


Just get up , rise up, get along on pure passions

To be , made, seen, heard, proud, loud, learned

To some stupid yet you knowing what’s right

Not only for you, but the world, others, mothers

You’re not an expert, you know enough to know

That,you know your strengths and your weaknesses

You know also how to ask for help and to work

With others, you understand all us better when we

Tribe our tribes and benefit for each others expertise 

In so many things we cannot even fathom! You are

Smart in naturally human and worldly ways, I respect

And admire that, proud to be your friend, work yes

Along side of you, we can and will accomplish much

Mucho MAs muy a whole lotta good amigo ami oui

Ensemble juntos con tigo avec toi, nous sommes fuertes!

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