Sunday, January 7, 2024

I am soaring high in my spirits, so anchored by ‘ the now so drawn into my pictures of old, snapped so quick by me, as I meld art and photos with words pouring gushing forth from me torrential gusts of wordedenergies climbing onto the backs of the energies all around me!


What do I do? How do I fare? What is fair? What is novel?

What stretches me to new plates on plateaux plenty pretty

Punctuated by prancing nakedness likenesses of those

Things I love most, that turn me on like never before as

I hunger for novelties to test my temperance to toss me

Over board I walk and dive or jump so quick I have

Nary a moment to collect, to think, to  gather, to notice

More than just the spark, just that instant, that flying

Impression ( s ) passing so quickly, some I rerun like

The rolls of images taken on celluloid on big screens in

Inside my eyes, private viewings, screenings, I am either

Passing the test, moving on, that is both the challenge

And the aim, to retain just enough, to store that away

For another day, another night, I am my art, art is me

I am my main subject, I am my very own private model

I model as my guises through life, what role will I donn

This moment? It must suit the time, it must flow seamlessly

It must hug me, kiss me, touch me, feel right feel good

Or unsettle me so that I react fresh and sudden, the

Wildness untamed inside of me sighing stripping off

So much makeup that others placed on me to make me

So much more palatable for the likes of them to like me

Just a bit, maybe a lot, a whole bunch even, catching them

Up unexpectedly, that need to be loved to belong to be

Noticed at Al as most of us are too wrapped up in ourselves

To notice much at all, to know hardly anything at all

About what truly counts, what is nourishing to feed 

Us as well as food feeds our bodies, we need more!

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