Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The dread of the future of what ‘ could be ? ‘ is hardest of all, feeling the gut-wrenching , tat sudden grip, tightening,nson


SO : damned and darn and drat you ! Go way!away!

You are not invited to stay, I have more than  an inkling

Of what you are going to stay, and yet, wait, stop and think

Perhaps it is not all that bad? There may be no ‘ bad’ or

‘Sad ‘ in this, just face-o-face it, you know deep in your

Gut you surely must or certain with tension and anxieties

Gone-wild certainly bust combust, and so look straight out

Upper stiff lips, back erect and with no slouch and then

Both listen and look carefully, open to suggestions and

Other points of view, think it all through, and as my 

Doctor just advised me : “ only make changes you can

Sustain “. And not wanting to sound like a broken 

Record , but wanting this on the record, add to your

Song of life many more details of yourself, not just

The refrain “. Life bright, alive, productive, live full!

I feel so much better now having butted heads this

Wednesday on Hump Day with my dreads of meds!

I wi ll cut ice cream out at night before bed

Will snack more on those raw carrots, change things

UP when  I snack and eat my dinner, singing thru sup!

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