Wednesday, January 17, 2024

I am a broken record, I am repeating so often myself, my mantra, my fervent beliefs, my hopes and aspirations, that I am happy and positive always, and perhaps the world around me is sick and tired of me and this already!?!


have to assume it is so, that I have a very limited audience

Some of them, too might not understand me in all my sugar-

Coated enthusiasms, positivities, words of hope and love and

Happiness that not everyone shares anyway! As Joe Dressner

Asked Mike Martin about me : “ Is he always this happy, always

This way? “ and Mike later told that he responded : “ yes. “ so

It be true, yes, I always see the silver lining in every situation,

Mine today was that when my blood pressure was taken earlier

I was told to my utter delight that it was “ good”. Sometimes

That is all it takes to make my day better, and so far it has as

After my eye doctor’s appointment to check on my left eye

It’s retinal wall healing and removing the hole, that my walk

Around our cul-de-sac on a bright sunshiny day before noon

With my wife and our dog was “ glorious “, even wit my

Shades and dilated eyes and all - “ magical! The sun reflecting

Off the sheet of snow on our lawns, and two beautiful neighbor’s

Girls sledding down one of the sloped front lawns and coming 

Quick to a thud and crash sharp sounds as the plastic of her sled

Hit the shiny black crumpled asphalt mostly now exposed pave-

Ment on our cul-de-sac, the two connected to a most unceremonious 

Meeting of their parts, giving us all a laugh and start as we realized

That all was okay, and she got up and off the ground and walked to

Get ready for their two-hour delayed school opening! And so yes,

I do sound like a broken record, I know and admit it, but these are

Pressing issues and messages I want to convey as a mature white

Make, ashamed of what many mature white males have done and

Gotten away with, not even publicly been called out for, SO, I say

To you, just like on a turn table with a record playing on it, be it a

45 or 33 RPM, just pick up the needle and move me along, or turn

Me off completely! Whatever, know I love you and only mean well!

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