Friday, January 19, 2024

I walk my line, yes, line or path or way, I have my moral compass, I look for substance, I speak that inside of me rather spontaneously, has it made me friends!?! I feel my path a lonely trek, do others fear my steps, my words,n written or spoken!?


am aware perhaps more thoughts on this than warrant!?

Alone for the better part, together for the worst? Having

Someone to balance issues, to feel connected as our lives

Are long and strewn with effects of other things and other

Men and women hums and animal, plant, wind, fire, so

Many external elements to be both mentors, teachers, our

Friends, foes, tornados, volcanos, hurricanes, so much more

SO : what lies ahead?! Ballet, theater, drama, yoga, zen, our

Minds at work , our over thinking, our fear, rage, hate, not

Knowing better!?! And then there’s trusting and spontaneity,

That’s me to a ‘ T ‘, I trust, I hope, I positively believe in

Good over bad, in the best possible results as they materialize,

As we all work hard to achieve them, for all of our better good.

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