Sunday, January 28, 2024

Dry Riesling from California, some extra weight, like a couple layers of grape skin, skeletal as in tree trunk, yet bright, full presence , and more!


Night Kolbe two dark pink sunset brilliant colors in

The frying pan simmering in a garlic, lemon and

 pepper , olive oil and Dijon mustard broth I made

Right on the spot , dinner preparations jump-stars

Started after 2 episodes of Loudermilk, and before

That saturated in our tears over Fried  Green Tomatoes

As the mists of Sunday rain drops fall, have fallen, so

Permeate the grayness of afternoon today, cool and

Chilling to awaken later sleeping layers we all have

Stuffed insides ourselves, like taking someone out

Into the woods that is a drug addict and rushing off

In a car and leaving her on Loudermilk to fend for

Herself and ride like the wind in the back of a truck

With oinking , mulling pigs! So here taking a break,

A head of Greens in boiling water, wild rice perking

Up into a more substantive formation, a level plane

Of hot healthy rice to add to the mix of so many

Chopped fruits, pear and apple, spinach leaves on

Top with some celery heart shoots, too, the broccoli 

Is ready now, dinner is soon to be served, my second

Sip of Dry Riesling softer and rounder , a touch of

Mellow brightness without the fanfare or melancholy,

Lovely to sit dow to dinner before another episode or

Two of Succession where, in the 1st season I love the

Music that gets its inspiration from the 1700’s and

The present New Yory dysfunctional family, have some

More dry Riesling, take that load off and toss it to the 

Winds, let them deal and cure these matters of the ego/ greed!

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