Monday, January 29, 2024

Walk-in the woods just now, 43 degrees, sunny and windy, fat tire tracks on path , still wet and muddy and squishy! Beware! Step prudently!


All okay, very much so, the skies a tender baby blue

The beauty the Nature the child still much asleep in

Me, yet, the desire to be soaked in sun light the glory

The lightness without yet heavy of life surrounding 

Man and dog, the deer, the red foxes for sure nearby

Camouflaged so neatly in the colors dulled of the

Woods, those browns, a really rotting decomposing

Red trunk at edge of path, the fallen branches and

Other trees all around , so many in this woods, some

Vertical, some horizontal, diagonal, to, in states so

Many of a natural progression , cycles of death and

Life, as I breathed in very cool fresh damp air and looked 

All around us and felt so lucky to be at 70 experiencing

The wonders, wanders, romances of life all around, a

Scout, not a hunter, made now just aware of that episode

On the tv series Northern Exposure where Dr Joel Fleischman

Wanted Togo hunting to experience it, he went with Howling

And Chris  hunting for grouse, quite the experience, and

Here now ,safe at home, with a Greek yogurt in my belly, 

  ThinkingOf being off with my wife soon for our BLT’s

And happy and anticipating the bacon as I sit here sipping

My freshly brewed coffee , what a lucky husband, father,

Artist, nudist man feeling like 27 I am, starting fresh again!

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