Saturday, January 20, 2024

Did you know that keeping your head face down for any length of time, then repeating the same is a strain on your neck? I have discovered this first handWith my neck on the line

 So I have to say that I have made a significant discovery

That building a puzzle on our table an old monastery one

I paid and traded both with Sally Kravitz years ago for

My wife’s birthday, I paid her in cash what she paid for

It then her profit in my art, what a deal, and our daughter

And my wife are presently doing the bird puzzle of 500

Pieces on it now! My grand discovery to my great pleasure

And intense relief is that I may both build this puzzle and 

Have my head straight down with little pain! I will share

This valuable insight with my retina specialist eye doctor

That may have already thought of it, or maybe not! I hope

He likes this and shares it with others that have to go through

This hourly divide of 45 minutes face and head straight down,

And 15 minutes up and about, and then all over again repeat!

My head and guts and neck, especially my left side of my ribs 

Are screaming bloody murder at me now, so I must now desist

Reminding me of Stephen Stills words, I am happy to declare

That though painful at times for me these days, I will live!

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