Thursday, January 18, 2024

My neck bent down for 45 minutes intensifies in soreness tempered by boredness in holding such an unnatural pose for so long is posing a challenge for my intense mental and emotional, intellectual activity!


What does my neck say? What does my back say?

To me? What am I hearing? What am I feeling? I

Am registering so much, so much emotion, so

Much much spirit-soaring, lots of intellectual

Break-down to such relaxed places in my spirit,

My thoughts ,desires, fan tat a sees feels touches

Tastes tunes, on starlit lagoons, lakes and their lunes

looney Tunes baboons,  Greek yogurt on silver spoons

I am loving and sleeping my successes and failings

Though these two do not exist except in our minds

We are taught to think less not more of ourselves,

Told that we should be happy with “;it’s good enough “,

When really we should never compromise that way!

I do not know about you, but I am here to stay, no 

Matter what they may say or do or want, they are not

My boss, neither are you, only I am rightfully my boss!

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