Friday, January 19, 2024

I have created my own race, racing myself, making it a priority, something to hang onto, to get a better hang of

Kiss the floor!

 Hang time for wine grapes is a thing, often referred to

I do not spend so much time on that observation as

I barely have time to hang onto one thing before the

Dang thing, something else, lassos my attention and

Pulls me in another, thus written and often spoken

Outlines with many deadlines to not be dead to be so

Working ly alive , to want to thrive, I do contrive for 

That! Finishing these thoughts so I may fully lay on

My stomach on our living room couch so I may cop

Some zzzzzzzz’s and keep my head and eyes looking

Straight down, that is the narrow, the marrow of my 

Job that my retina specialist said to me : ‘ I don’t care

What you do as long as you keep your face straight down! ‘

So be it, so be that, so matter-of-face, I will do just that!

SO  : excuse me while I kiss the ground my carpet on the

Floor! That, my friends is what for now I have in store!

Floors, ground, carpets, mats, looking straight down galore!

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