Monday, January 29, 2024

The Mondayn mondane Dane pain window and door eye ear butt panes of our daily day and night pins

 The lives so rich so full in their beginnings they

Sacrifices of so very many to others place before

Themselves so often as is the nature natural in so

Much sacrifice, artifyce, you have to say those two

So they rhyme and start a rhythmic prance of their

Preens that follow us all before and after our turbulent

Teens of One King with One Queen in high school and

The rest of us not worth the mention, not beautiful or

Handsome or Kool or Rad or Rich enough to let into 

Our few selective snob fake artificial expensive groups

We all just do not make The Cut and so are herded off to

Realms to never be seen or heard from again by the powerful 


So I rise up against such Tomfoolery and go on about my business

With my head held high,ma straight back, shoulders square fair!

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