Saturday, January 13, 2024

The time has never been more now than now Robin Trow wow beautiful gorgeous gorgeous wow kow sow pow!


am On Call as an artist

I feel the call before it hits

I feel that pull on my art so

Strings them ring ring rings

In my head upright or down

Bent I am both heaven and

Hell , earth, too bent, meant

To react not turned off be but

In tune even when I am outta 

Makes no difference as words

 May become music and theater

And magic and mystery and

Our sanities in truths and yes

So many meaningful profanities!

We have to communicate we have

To express so express quickly to

Others our great worries, discontents

So many of us feel such desperation a

Not being heard , respected or loved

We have so now moved farther away

From ourselves and do many others 

People wanting to use as pawns theirs

Are fully away of both our divides 

And our disconnects and discontents 

Using us for their profits and gains 

They have only money and themselves 

That they hear and follow, so up must

We rise to tell them to so fuck off!

Their courts of fake crimsons are

Hollow and shallow so let us them

Alert they will soon be off to the

Gallows in no uncertain terms if

They do not cease and desist now

We must get back to our paths and

Nourish once again earth and ourselves!

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