Saturday, January 27, 2024

The taste of a hot brew, the feel on the tongue, that strong firm saturation, the impact, gut warmer, the calm that follows, coffee freshly brewed

The feel the flesh , inner of that those small beans, I love it

I love beans, grew up as a child in Gavia, Rio de Janeiro 

Having contests with my friend Cidele eating feijoada and

Seeing who could eat the most! My mother supervised, or

Was itvMarianna that did the honors!? And from those

Black beans and Guarana a matured to their black coffee

Beans back in Arlington and before that, the first time in

Paris, aFrance with scalding bitter sharp curdling gut wrench

Express o that took the instantaneous express lane to my

Stomach then guts! That was a jolt and a half, if not more,

Funny, I must have erased that first time memory from my

Head as I have no recollection at all of it , just knowing

That it transpired there la bas en France dans les annees 

1970’s! They were great back way way than a Paris oui!

Comme ca m’aplu beaucoup pleasing me no end, vraiment 

Really, I loved those years in Paris, Francebwith my family

At first then alone with my future and only wife to be that

We will celebrate 43 years together in February with some

French champagne from Epernay, @ChampagneEsterlin 

But now today, Samedi Saturday my brew de cafe oui oui

Si si si oui , comme ca me plait en ce moment ici chez nous!


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