Friday, January 26, 2024

The noise from the plane just now overhead and moving quicklime northwest into a quite drone to roar ans then , like a song, it flies into the soundless spaces in our hea

 Nice now, the rumble of a car engine, testing the gas, 

An automobile drone that stopped, then started, new

Plane’s noise above in our babu blue skies and perhaps

Disappears into those puffy whips above that brush our

Souls, fluff our spirits and toot our ears , another car

Rumba,dancing with the sleek grace,swift movements

Of another car,mtheyvare out, time to head home, to shop

For goods, to meet appointments, attend events, get to

Exercise as another rumble above of a third plane above,

We are under their paths above, their space , their state of

Being,mconduits to our destinations, temporal, fleeting,

Flights of our fancies, manners to connect to our loved

Ones, like Deb’s dad and his her sister coming from Hawaii!

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