Thursday, February 22, 2024

The lacks of transparencies at all, the walls of total collapse, the denials of personal thought, the gouging gorging us on foods of sugars run rampant, of money supreme deciders of what we have or have not!


I don’t need to be sheltered, I never did

Not at the total ugly undeniable hurt to

So many others, to be lied and spoon-fed

As if still children, to have  now everyone

Robbed raped violated on paper, on bodies

Ours, in laws, in cliques and parties for so

Few , the rest of us shuttered out, made to

Pay in our existences for their selfish fancies!

Enough to all of that, we need to band together

For all our greater goods! UP we pop, at the

Least we are keenly aware and knowing we

All must escape ourselves our trappedbesses 

That are so criminally wrong and should be

Stopped, arrested, made to pay, not allowed 

To sled and slide and go undetected as so

Much has before and still continues today

To our utter disgust and dismay when we

Have glimpses and brief moments to see it!

No more bullying no more crap from people

Jaded to think that money and their sorry

Asses are all that matters, all that should stand!

They be so wrong so selfishly bad bad bad!

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