Sunday, February 11, 2024

If it’s not one thing it’s another, I am having trouble ALL of a sudden LOGGING in, logging on a river would be so much easier!

 Have I been hacked? Have I been logged out?

I do not know, I get mixed signals now, I have

To punch in each and every time now, what a

Real messy time- consuming DRAG this is all 

getting to be! And, for what?! Just so I can

Share things with you all!?! I love doing it.

It takes both time and effort, even when all 

Or most systems are “ on GO! “ such focus

Such checking everything trice! With or with-

Out  scurrying  mice! And auto-check and

Correct just bungles it all so dastardly brutally

sO, so I have to forget what I said and thought

To correct it all, and by that time the thin threads

Of my emotions and perceptions and inklings

Are long forgot, even though for by me so hard

Fought! I yes sincerely brutally give it all I GOT!

Put on a happy pace face lace!

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