Thursday, February 1, 2024

Mid night plus 13 minutes and counting and exhaustion into me sets as I lay l naked on my bed roasted by the hot water of my nightly bath, oh yeah


The getting up and out is the tricky part as I

Cannot afford to fall and this shiny new white

Tub is bright and not easy to grip the side on

My right and get a firm hold , as once before

I slipped and fell and bruised my right ribs

Enough to bother me for quite some time,

So careful I am not to slip once again, and

I am scared, but I love my baths, my butt

On the floor of this tub, the hot water yes

Really testing my endurance of such in-

Tense heat, i modulate that often to keep

Everything in check, and when I am 

Super tired as I am now I am even 

More careful, and so here I lie on my

Bed, comfortable and pleased to be

So naked and free and calm and con-

Tent! Not ashamed, not fearful, not

Feeling anything but happy as the

Exhibitionist in me comes out in

Full naked regalia to be seen and

Feasted on for those willing to

lol beyond my age of seventy

And not judge me for my wine

Belly that is round and full, and

Give me a break for my scars

And bruises and whatever else

In my physical, fully posed

Physical nakedness they want

To tear down and destroy and

Make me self- conscious which

I normally am not! Take your

Shots, make your jabs, judge

My flab’s, my bruises , birth

Marks, my leg varicose veins!

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