Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Calm courts calamity every waking and sleeping hour I live, the fear of reprisal, the frantic sense of reproach, the haunting nagging that no one understands, the abyss, the doom, sunshine and gloom!

 The Looney Tune, the dread of the looney bin, the losing control

Our lives, driving us, no more car keys, no more wiping my bum

My bottom wiped by another, peeing in my pants, the loss of me

No longer able , myself, to recognize I with my eye, the ability

To lead my life, the wrapping up many bits of my extended so

Existence of axing my life’s many moments, more than blowing

Them, the sense that NOW I have more to accomplish than I

Ever had before!?! The knowing more precisely MY mission

My focus, NEED to con myself to concentrate more on ME

And what’s GOT ‘ to be ‘ done, darn, drat, damn I am not 

Dumb!yeah, yet IT life me all so dawning down on me -

SO daunting dastardly draining raining HEAVYly UP-

DOWN on me, watching the Grammy’s, realizing purr

Purhaps perhaps grrrr growling owling KNOWing more

Than ever before WHY I do what I do, why others do

What they do! IT all came CRASHIng rashing bashing 

Down upON ONto ME, why did I not SEE or REALize 

Any of this before!?! AM I that dumb?! I am unwittingly 

PRIVILEGED, I have not had to think or write or concern

Or be afraid for me life, worry about my color of my 

Skin, not suffer the inhuman bullying and being singled-out,

TARGETED by others , scorned and beat and bullied and

Trashed, murdered, SO much more BY OTHERS, those 

That are supposed to be my BROTHERS!?! But NO, if they

Do or have done any of these very wrong things, I as a white

Male of 70 years of age, awakened to all this BRUTALITY, I

Say NO! I do not condone or agree with any of this! I do NOT

Care if I am in any of your elite groups, you sicken me to my

Very core! I am not with you, I March for equality for all, no

More of this bullshit! Time to level the playing working

Living loving humaning field for all of us to have a fighting

Chance to make something of our lives that does not beat

Others down in this,”  time to love one another right now! “

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