Friday, February 2, 2024

Building patience through building one’s puzzle, the art of concentration on one adventure all in tiny pieces with a picture to work from that is average at best!


I settled for conquering my fears as I faced

So many colorful tiny pieces on our table 

That perhaps was from a monastery, beautiful 

Wood and this fractured puzzle to tax so full

Our three puzzlers and render us quite mad at

This daunting task at hand, and yet, there you

Have it, crouch d and landing way over this

Beautiful table that dates way back from who

Knows when with modern, colorful and maddening 

Puces of this puzzle to put back together just like

We do ourselves as we sleep at the end of each day.

We are like so many pieces, we should get in the

Habit of holding each one up to our faces for close

And even then more, closer inspection, as they each

Reveal parts of us that are generally so very lost in

Our shuffles, by ourselves or by others, or by both!

We n d constant refl cation, careful inspections and

Yet we are so very busy, dazed and confused that we 

Clamor for shelter, any refuge, any respite as we need

To find our uneasy our disjointed our shaky balance

That we lost or gave up long long ago for the benefit

Of others as they, we tried , or were forced to believe 

That it was our moral imperative to please and serve

At all costs, we demoted to not counting at all, too nit

Worth even one piece of this awesome puzzle of 500

Pieces, our peaces thus shattered, our well-beings of

Absolutely no interest or consequence or consideration

That’s the New World and Order we barely subsist in!

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