Wednesday, February 28, 2024

I am the Stunt Man having been stunted from an early age by those that would stunt me to cripple and mentally silence me into an inaction, a lacking of focus and intent so as not to disturb their precious status quo!

 I did not know or realize at that time what a concerted

Effort was afoot to tame our individual thus collective

Souls! Stealing both our true childhoods and all our

Precious formative years to really become and realize

Our individual selves and conform into their mediocre

At best, boring, stunted, sterile souls devoid of our

Personalities that would have, like in an orchestra really

Shone and soared, peaked , climbed, dropped down and

Delved and groveled even, but on our own terms, not

Theirs! To climb the stairs on our own volition, to use

Our own permission to quest to mount, to conquer our

Own fears, to do things on our own, to grow freely into

Our own selves, what a privilege, what an honor, what

A jolly difficult scary task to accomplish at our own

Pace, to not be denied,spoon-fed and sheltered from

The truths they did not want us to know, not one bit 

At all!Dastardly  selfish, greedy  corrupt pricks sooo!

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