Thursday, February 1, 2024

Morning walk, a delight, a balance of elements, some that help with those that e flame, in this case our dog that does not like trucks much at all!


Here as my wife and I approach 43 years, not in age

But glorious marriage, our pre-week of celebrations,

All of my own making, my own construct, adopting

The stance, head up, standing straight, shoulders yes

Quite level, why not do this, build our own personal

Emotional, loving scenario, the flames may be on low,

But that does mean any are out, as a matter of record,

I am growing myself closer and aware how lucky I

Am to be married to her that has stood by me for all

Now almost 43 years! She is my best friend, my wife

My lover my life my partner and together with our dog

That I got up and walked in this morning’s sunshine and

Chill, I saw a Fed Ex truck drive up and park on the other

Side of our road heading down our slight hill, a white

Snazzy Lexus was parked between us as the person inside 

Shuffled in the back for the goods to deliver to Amy , her

Husband and their dog, so using my sharp wits, I used the

Front of the Lexus with a tree by its side to shield our

Dog’s view and distract him with a tree to sniff and peel

On at its base, both which worked, our dog performed 

As I suspected, I  waited for the goods to be dropped off

At the door then return to his truck, it always takes longer

That I would have liked, but as this was accomplished we

Moved slightly forward as the truck moved forward,our dog’s 

view still blocked but he did rustle as he heard the engine’s 

Sound, by the did not jump up or make a big jump, bark

Or stir, peace was kept for all, I smiled at my camouflage

Deception and thought ofLisa and John, owners of the

Lexus,will have to share the story with them later, as I

Will tell my wife now and wait for her smile as I do, and

Think to myself that I am a very lucky man indeed to be

Approaching 43 married to a wife of 39 being myself now 

70, my wife really 69, the little white lies we do tell ourselves

To get along in life and onto the next step and challenge that

Bit we face together and like the RSV vaccine shot we both 

Got yesterday after seeing the great French movie “ Driving

Madeleine “ called in French “ Une belle course “, my wife

And I meeting there in Paris, France the setting of this grande 

Filme a Paris , and we met way back then in 1979 a bah oui!

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