Thursday, February 1, 2024

I am so hard on myself in some ways, and turn my back on myself in many more other ways, I digress into a lazy lion often just to xpecting satisfaction

 I play it safe so often, not permitting myself to go

Certain places, and yet letting myself bare itself

Like a bear of the jungle, like a king of the Forrest

Like a lord of his manor, yet, I have no servants

I do most everything myself, I do not expect

Others to do for me, my wife does much for me,

I am so grateful for that, realize I take some of it

For granted, know I should not, I want others to

Love me, respect me, confide in me, appreciate 

Me and seek out my counsel, am disappointed 

When they do not, but I stop and I struggle with

The knowledge that they are busy and I have no

Right to expect any of this, and these last three

Weeks I have turned more to our home and 

Focused on that, letting go of many selfish

Expectations, and dealing and appreciating what

I have here at home as we soon will watch the

New episode of “ Law and Order “ and I sip

On my cup of Lap-sang Souchong tea, so nice!

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