Sunday, February 25, 2024

Feelin’ the fire tan I just got round our fire pit at night the cold versus flames


My fire took my constant vigilance and so

My beach fold-up red chair next to it, boxes

Of cut up wild grass stalks keeping the whole

Show aglow! Just kept reaching for and then

Feeding them “ tween logs and metal not too

Tricky not to shabby! I was a loner this time

As no one joined, a group elite was I of one!

I snapped some pictures and waited to see if

Neighbors would come, but all I heard were

Young children’s shrieks and joyous being!

I smiled at that, I looked out for flying over-

Board flames as there were always some

Wanting desperately to escape the intensity!

As I say I am here now inside, having enjoyed

My wife’s homemade chicken soup, and my

Forehead alerts me to that heat, it presses into

My skull a firm massage if you will, not con-

Tant but present and there, I am here now with

My words to note this splendid affair ‘tween 

Me and my own Tony-made fire of logs, leaves,

Twigs and chopped up stalks of really tall wild

Grasses! What an amazing moment an hour or so, 

Glass of earthy, pithy, strong Italian weedy now

Dry red wine of Lacrima an almost lost grape 

Of Abbruzzo saved by one vineyard, already

Four day’s old, so it I may not scold for it has

Aired and taken that unasked for oxygen that

Has changed its soul and made it so gutsy raw

Harsh harsh harsh! Not really now a taste 4/me!

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