Saturday, February 3, 2024

I am learning to relax the world on my shoulders some, so hard at first, had to readjust the sky some and put it under both seas and earth

 The reforming meaning new forming of myself came with

Much foaming floating flash and flouring that part of me

Flaring yay! And yet I fully admit to a certain disjoint as

I transfer thoughts fleeting scurrying flying flashing quickly 

As they might they may they certainly do everything but

Stay, to this iPad that constantly misbehaves so often adding

 “ n’s “ or other letters in front of those I type, and thus give

Be dey givin’ me pause as that train, that flow, that inspiring-me

Elation of so many relations, close and far, distant and near, a

Bit abstract I fear, chasing I believe so many of you away, to

Starry, to pray for my salvation, my redemption, if there be

Any for me !?! So I blunder and thunder ON, my circuits so

Near to bursting, always spilling OUT onto THE scene what-

Ever they may be, I do not hear the bell toll, I do not stop at

GO, even in my searching sleep looking for someone to be

There along side of me, that would be so lovely, yet I seem

To do life on my own, by myself, testing my nerves, my

Ideas, my strengths, my weaknesses - everything my very

Own, I make no excuses, I accept my consequences, I so

Stray, play, delay so very much not always ready to get in

The fray the frost the freeze the frantic, the flow, the flame.

Life is a wonder that I wander in even winter wanting and

Knowing that my diving into deep waters is best to bless

My head and heel-to-my-butt trusting treading, treating!

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