Thursday, July 25, 2024

Going back and forth between tasks of labor of industry of love of duty-self-imposed,mif bravery,mif fear,mif desperation, salvation, mischief,mchildishnglee,Marwari and untamed animal mature male desires, sexual utbursts and cravings, and vanity and self-importance, need for love and acceptance and peace and happiness and no loud ugly noises crashing down, in, upon our delicate souls palpitating spirits of individuality!

Ouch! I have just written a book!

Hearing about Komodo dragons!

Pretty gross my daughter announces!

I I will  avoid contact with them, and I

Feel safe as I have no plans to go to

Indonesia!people who live there have

Their houses on stilts our daughter 

Announces to us! And, to think, earlier

I was down at the beach ready for a swim 

And a short but delightful one it was, I

Loved it! I was carried down by the current

As I was yesterday, and, as I did not want

To be attacked by a shark, and as it was not

Easy to get back to shore, inseam to it in the

Free style stroke, I cut my ocean water time 

Short once again preferring to be safe and

Be able to return home for coffee and time to

Paint on my virgin white stretched primed 

Canvases as I still had eight to attack and try

And figure out what inspiration to have 

Flow from me to these white surfaces 

With my black acrylic paint in fluid

Lines I was musing as I was feeling rather 

Content in a fluid line kind of way with a

Smile beginning to form on my face and a

Sense of peace from where it was coming

I did not know, but I was happy with it and

Not in the least wanting to question it further!

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