Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I’m running on empty! I work on empty! I pretty much do everything on empty MT MTee MTee MmmmmmmmTttttttt!


So be it! So goes it! So I d!

S I produce! So I reduce so I

Cipher decipher get something 

Out! I have a headache and I

Need a nap and yet here I type

I want to use my time now yes

Before I crash! For rash gnash my

Teeth grind grip grunt glee glad

How so I will go until I stop as I

Am sooooo very driven by forces

By external internal infernal eternal

Yes , so it seems, reams and reams

Creams and cremes and crepes and 

Krypton and crepes and cringes crows

And crawdads and crunchy bites bits

I am on an empty roll that I force myself 

To create what I dank in what I ate eat in!

I am a monster of my own making to be

Heard seen listened to, responded to in

Some fashion or another whether it be

Uncomfortable or not I will make mark

Bark stark lark arc snark spark Wendy Clark!

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