Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Compelled to keep expressing that which is knocking around inside of me, more turbulent now than most times!


At the beach at the dunes so surrounded 

By sea oats those sentries behind me yes

Those blowing in the wind and breeze &

Protecting us from intruders and from disease 

I love them so as I love frogs and toads so

Special to me, one of the reasons I come to

The beach annually almost religiously, very

Spiritually! It is all a part of my religion,

What keeps and gives me grounding & calm,

I love this all so as I set my sights so high to

Accomplish tasks unfinished and those not begun.

I get up early, hear at 9 am on Monday morn

I was stripped naked here at the edge of the 

Dune, my ass caked in sand just warming up.

A lady passed y to my right on the path and 

She did not see me, she must have had blinders

On, in a raincoat as there had been a gentle rain

Just moments prior. I walked in that and felt the

Coolness then and now on my naked skin, so 

Very special, many rain drop kisses all over my

Receptive skin! It was a slice of paradise with 

Hera d another man walking along the line where 

Water met sand. So alone except for two surfers

A bit away bobbing in the ocean’s undulating 

Waves, ready to ride one should the chance occur.

Fleeting moments to catch a wave and a deserted

Shoreline for me only to strip down and rush into

The water buck naked and skinny dip and I, tossing

Caution to the wind, shrugged, thought what the

Hell, dropped my trousers and off to the ocean I

Rushed happy as kuldip be, slipped into the waves

And splashed like a contented hold up and down

And let my nakedness brushed into the sand below 

and felt it touch my privates and it felt so good, I

So loved this sensation and went back for more!

Loving it all,wow,what galore to be touched so

Soft by the ocean’s floor with not a human soul

Around to rob me of this private moment with

Sand and sea, ocean and sea water and sun and

Breeze and suds and seagulls there on the shore

The only living things observing my antics except

Perhaps a sandpiper or two before I decided I 

Better not press my luck and rushed from the

Waves to don my trousers and be off to walk the

Dune’s edges and see witness to the prints in

The sands of human feet, seagull tracks and those

Of dogs, too, and the few holes here and there of

Those spry quick to scamper and be gone sand crabs!

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