Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Reworking old works on both canvas and paper and searching for ways to bring them to a place I like ad warm to!

 It’s July 2nd a day after Canada Day and two days before The 4th of July 2024 and I have 

applied some watered down acrylics to my canvases

 and they are drying now 

and soon I will go downstairs and

 add some wisps ,

 dashes, traces, marks, strands of thin and 



 broken bright white acrylic 

to break apart the expanses already heavily worked

 in mixed media that I have utilized as handy,

 though probably rarely utilized as I have on canvas. 

Trying new expressions 

and pushing forth 

rather blindly 

in the pursuit of 

enough closure,


and satisfaction as 

I can get as this is 

my pain, 

my drain, 

my sprain, 

my figurative landscape train 




brush, trees, dirt, rocks, shells, twigs ad rain!

My I reign supreme in the knowing that I have risked much, been understood largely by none, encouraged to describe and add a guide to my art expression or forever live misunderstood. 

On this  I responded and still do, I follow my gut, not my brain. I trust in my gut wherever it may lead or direct or deposit me!

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