Monday, July 22, 2024

I am on a roll to find out all my pieces that fell or were scattered about like Humpty Dumpty as it is time to put them all back together again!


Honest to a fault eXept the lies I 

Have always carried around and

On some level pardoned where I

Should have not! Scared of my

Own thoughts that have done me

More harm than good and I am so

Now facing them front on , looking

Them right i their eyes and ears and

Bodies as they have been disguised

And gotten away with murder right

Under my own eyes! What a farce!

I have dearly paid big for all of

This and what a price it has been!

Truth be told I am as much a scardy 

Cat as I ana roaring lion! Weak in

Ways, strong in other paths & that

Has to stop! I have managed to do

The work, now I have to face brass

Tacks and with hammer and chisel 

D that which must e done to move

Forward with all that I have done

Begat begun be made written drawn

Collages painted splattered layered

Colored with water those bright so

Cadmium acrylics and oil & regular

Pastels and watercolors that have by

Me found a place a space a home to

Be heard seen discovered un-and-so-

Very BOTH recovered repurposed, too!
Making room in my world or recycled!

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