Sunday, July 21, 2024

I am working constant so consist so persistent so doggedly frog toad ed ly on emmmm puh puh ly empty emptee MmmmmmmT MmmmmmmTee MTea Cough Coff CoffTiedTeasedTestedTrueTttttttttttt!


What am I seeing so much more 

Now I so very sure pow pow plough

Plunge lunge sponge spoon spin spur

On all senses as best I may me alert 

I am fractured fried free’ed fr ought 

I in spurts been butt self kicked so to

Ack yack yuck so do so for forth firm

With con pro prime pre vic vac suc so

Shun shuuun no sanc outta sunk some

Gunk gank genk honk gink gunksheeun!

Play with words and sounds and allow

For child so I like most children that have

That playful that outhouse that curious a


SO they do not poke or stick out or draw at

Them other’s hurtful harmfull attention to so

Bring them down to scorn to scrap trap traipse 

Them to on their feet be trodden traded tried

Treasoned without jury of their peers like so

Many steers stirred strapped trapped trounced!

I am a free spirit, I love all until I am so burned

By them in all my positivity that so kills them 

And enrages them and makes them think - why

Am I so happy and  they NOT!?!? Why oh why?

Am I soooooo very over the rainbow that they do

Not see or feel or enjoy or enrich by as me my I!?

SO I work still in short burst for a few previous

Minutes here and there on myself on my art for my

Part to be and feel and free be me myself me I and

Yes share till burned so to the ground like forest fires

I soon spring eternal as I am able on my own back back!

Stay yes as I may on my own track, alone for the most

Part and yet still enriched and joyful and knowing my worth!

From the dirt and stone water and weather outdoors I spurt!

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