Sunday, July 21, 2024

My presence on the Book of Face is getting limited by both merespondi g to the old white men self-important-privileged-cocky-making-decisions-4-ALL-what-GAUL!

 I need to get into my art to me sooooo SAVE!

To off STAVE WAVE before I hit the GRAVE

To still NOW more than ever PAVE or not as

Wild-Is-INFANTly-  Better- Best-Bestest-Braver 

Than ALL the rest opt-Ions available to me us

Get off that Spoon-Fed-Up-Bus or get busted

No need to be still and soon rusted, get mad and

Of this all do something to rejuvenile rejuvenate 

Us We I You Them All of us all soon combust

Bust burst blast blister blunder blame blur blemish

We cannot afford to into obscurity shoved be by

Those billion billionaires that have no business 2 B

So rich off the strong sturdy human humble backs of

So very many of us stuck in toil in boil in there but

As butts for others last spoiled serpent snake soulless 

Tyra t turdful tarnished old selfish male animals that

I have lost all respect for and will not even call human!

I rant rave I am both heard and calling them out as rats

Without the need or the purpose even to take and take more!

So I in my art my writings my images will them call out!

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