Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The juices are flowing! I am in somewhat self-charted-totally-really-uncharted-territories! I do this to myself, aargh!


So this is it as it stands or mot now

I let myself go, I let the motions so

Wash over and around and upon me!

I have that confidence, that belief, I

Question all the time overthink think

Back think bad, think mad, feel stupid

Inept foolish weak vain useless failing

Falling lost vulgar dirty teams , raw and

Used abused misunderstood a washout,

Past my prime, passed over, it’s over, un-

Sure sad sunk in my own futile few little

Spunk spunks punks pranks skanks skunks!

I push on, I keep going, I am sometimes so

Slowing, other times all aflame!mi only have

Only myself really it has always been me on

Only me me I mine myself my all alone 2 blame

For why I am so lame and so afraid to so fail!

Nakedly as naked as I may for me and you I have

Copied on all of this as to have you along for

My ride if you so choose to be caboose on me!

Hard to see hard to say to sort out my feels and

Yet that is what is left for me as I will at this so

Work until I fall to sleep for one long glory nap!

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