Tuesday, July 9, 2024

I am having trouble adding pictures of my eleven canvases I painted on stretched canvases with acrylics and leaves, flowers, sticks, branches, seeds, nuts, more


What a great grand grin groan glorious trip this still is! Tony 7/9/2024

What a conundrum, to leave well enough alone from years ago or to continue working on them!? I will take my time as I am working on other pieces on stretched canvases! One has given me so many pains - the one I started in 1987 and did not finish, I do not know why? My wife says it is because we had just had our daughter and we’re busy raising her. I think that sounds about right.

So we have two weeks before heading to the beach to the Outer Banks for a week where I will take some new virgin stretched canvases to work on - three different sizes, and I will do some more self portraits that I start with colored acrylics and move forward!

I have now three days off in a row - Sunday, Monday and Tuesday - and that extra day Tuesday has given me a new lease on life and I am ecstatic about this because it gives me more time ‘ to be ‘, to see, to think, to realize, to feel, to soar my spirit, air my soul, pamper and listen to my gut! I am following my gut and thrilled, too about that.

I am flying solo, no one comes to look on my progress, no one asks, no one takes any time about my art, I am all alone on this! That is okay as I listen to TheStone’s new song with Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder, I sweet sounds of heaven, I am hearing that piano, and Lady Gaga, falling down, oh yeah, oh yeah, come on, come on, that shrill sound of hers like on Hey Jude, the same kind of-crescendo, Her and Mick, the drums, and Stevie on piano, wow, woweeee! And now Mick on harmonica, loving that, too!

Life is sweaty and sweet as I come in from gardening on a sweltering day and going off to see a movie with my wife! Love you all, Tony Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 1:46pm now….

Just like me starting fresh, The Stones should make their next record as they were just getting started with these last two songs! Tony

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