Sunday, July 21, 2024

I am trusting in my experience of living to not know as I go what I am doing as if the journey and path or purpose will become a reality simply in the doing not actually planning except to do some art and save it and myself in the process

  I love this as much as I hate this

This not knowing yet firm believing

In the eventuality that along my way

I will have done something I can live 

With of my own maki g but not pre con-

Ceived or envisioned but simply done

And worked and moved with my hands

My body, my spirit my beliefs and trust

Sometimes naked with only a brush yes

Sometimes with music and y singing and

Humming and finger-printing, peeing sooo

Pushing myself working on empty and so

Feeling drained and tired and yet in that do

Doing I do find bits and sparks, spurts and

Dashes splashed, thrusts, gut busts f some

Reserves some ignites bites bits spits spats

Rat-a-tats tits tips tops tinsel and tosses to

Rattle my brains ad body and my cage, too,

To bust through and forth and out and about

To accomplish seemingly so something outta

Air with lots it seems as I go on to spin spare!

I face my demons, at them I take a stance stare!

Here pictured with my oil pastels I will use now!

Happy Sunday July 21 2024 at the beach on vacation!

Yay yay hey hey hey hey YAY I am somehow willing

Myself to play, to strip to strap to sap to sape stay!

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