Monday, July 22, 2024

The song of male repetition to get offa d find that essential constant spermal release!

I am missioned , self- commissioned self-employed
Joyed toyed oooohhhhhhh- boy’ed so purposed in-as
PurposeFULL so re-purposed so re-centered entered
Mentored men-to-wards-in-frank-nakedness without
Clothes the at-me-so-strong-NOT-wrong-my-internet
sONG I am so aware of their wares mail mailed nail
Male nudes and their flesh wares get more than just
My stares asi reach down and take hold spit on my
Hand repeatedly I stroke and stroke and row my long
Boat swiftly sometimes slowly and I linger and I long
I moan ad sigh and feel my pulse down there my leg
A third that refuses to stay grown yet it pulses it does
Deliver it does produce me so reduce to not more much
That a aged mature  man pounding his stick wanting 
Just to me nailed maled empaled seeded the term most
Used be breaded meaded honey’ed do this one thing
For me spread them wide as you are mine my ride I
In all my pride am here to be used to be filled to oohh
Over-spilled splashed spunked hunk’ed honked bonked!
And that’s all that I want just to be serviced to be laid !
Flattened played displayed made a male receptacle for
Thine gunk thine sunk your sperm your seed so in-me-
Your insistence persistence to cum spend unload in me!
Sooooooooo as the story goes, do it once, repeat! Be so
Taken by the seat of your  pants so quickly pushed down!
No romance no foreplay just play along be a good boy!

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