Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I am hitting and living now 90 percent of my happy space as I bounce back and forth from one project,endeavor to the next!


What hilarious farcical clumsical hoot 

Of an existence now be it all mine to

Own it as no one else will have any of

It at all as it makes no sense worldly or

Practical or logical to them with me a

King lovable  crazy quirky weird un-so-


Known -what the fuck are you all abour

Tony you make no sense in the least to us

We love you support you from afar but with

Your nudity explicitness bordering on lewdness

Too much exposure, makes us all so uncomfortable 

You X pose post too much of your nakedness your

Nipples, do we have to see your nipples ever again!?

Your positiveness makes us uncomfortable, too as 

We are no way as comfortable with ourselves our

Nakedness  our exposed bodies as yu are! Do not

Make us have to be reminded how imperfect we all

Are not models not fit to be on a gazing covers too

Much of everything that advertisers imply is so very

Wrong with us, and are’t we lucky for them here to

Take our money and help us feel so much better about

Our imperfect unfortunate unlivable wrong awful selves!?!?

A pox on them  - you are all beautiful in my own eyes!

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