Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Working on empty MTY so often I have lost track and still pursue my goal to be as true to myself in my art art I possibly can spontaneous, raw, unedited, brash, vulgar, honest, loose, base, brute, untamed, original as possible to simply be a reflection of me in my art as I am living open and active,nalert and observant as possible, connected in nature in doubt, fear, self- conscious determined , gutting it out OUT from In!


I am simply moving and reacting all alone

I have that confidence and struggle with it

All as it is a constant a lot to handle as it

Come all the time. There is not ever much 

Of a break. I choose to react, I choose to be

A part of all that is around d me, all that I

Sense and I with an openness accept it as a

Life force, an honor, a blessing, a trial a trail

That which I must listen to and react to and

Not run away from as it is my lot it is my being

I love my life I am here to e involved to

Be a part to e on the stage to be alive as

Fullas I may and it sure is taxi git sure 

Puts weight and pressure , pierces and

Dices and slices, stabs, hugs, holds, kisses

Me at all given times I live it I love it , I

Know I may do this, I know there is worth.

I feel it is right even though I realize I am

Bucking every train of thought, of process

As I do this alone without any help. Without

Any encouragement, without blessing, with-

Out a hig or a kiss, silence is my audience asI

 do not exactly please, no one knows what to

Say or how to react!? But my mission is not to

Please it is to record to put down that which I

Am reacting to as honestly as I possibly may

Whether others in my lifetime will ever understand 

That is not problem or my concern, I must be me!

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