Sunday, August 18, 2024

The temperatures inside turned to scalding sooooo my insides my being entier as they say in French, to scalding scolding,holding, helping, harassing me soooo, pesky, perky, pertinent, gut rumblings, escaping my total feeing of being so completely lost and alone!


I am set to implode any minute smothered

Spread spanking spurted sparked sinning so

I must be a supreme sinner! I must be a total

Complete lost cause with no cause at all X so

Cept accept NOT be I so bloody sullied in my

Own spit sperm dirt filth sweet sour sweat so

Mired mirrored marked murked mucked mocked

Not understood or loved yet supremely loved

Yet I am so distracted from that which grounds

Me to life to others my wonderful wife that has

Always stood by me not disputing me feeling

Abandoned by me and for that I must atone and

Make  amends  before it is too late I still can it do!

My art with black acrylics and two tiny brushed plumes that smear and smudge and mirror some of my steady guttural churning unease these days to make what’s wrong , what’s i addressed  dressed and right! Tony 8/18/2024 Sunday 6:34pm now listening to Jacques Brel that I love in French! Tombe!

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