Thursday, August 8, 2024

Trying hard, YES! This is my vision through my art, my authentic actual , all mine, my true to my art,t he rawness, the real, the NOT commercial asE t, just the reaction I have, the compulsion, the impetus, the direction, the tug and the pull, the pain and effort and exercise and awareness to everything it embodies as i use whatever is at my disposal, and I like to recycle ad preserve that which is around me so it does not have to be thrown away, to utilize that which has been in my life, not that which I have to buy to make my art. To be true and not be thinking about making money as I create.

 My word writing below, two of them in my sketch book pad! August 2024

Life is hard and I face it constantly as we all do.

I want to be exclusively expressive of my own self.

I do not want to be repetitive, I do not want to copy.

I want to add myself and not someone else or others.

I do not want to have to sell myself or my art artificially.

I want to be found by those that are willing to explore

With me and to have them learn and gain in ding so.

I am not an expert, I am not vain and believe that you

All need my art. I do not want to sell myself under any

False pretenses, I do not believe in that, yes, I do want

To be


But, for 

All the right reasons 

And by that

I mean

Not for glory or money or recognition

Not for vanity or selfishness or self congratulations.

I simply want at some point for

The world to get an inkling

A small, or great

Appreciation and joy 

And sorrow

Equal amounts

Of pain

In looking reading seeing

What both I and my art may offer.

Not for the money, not for fakery

Not for the commercial aspects 

Simply for

The authenticity 

The rawness the bravery

The simple, the stark,

The meow and the bark,

The murmur the purr

The still the calm

The alarm the mad

The glad the glade

The water the fire

The blade the stone

The flesh and 

The bone 

The red of the blood

The rant the rub

The welcome

Not the snub

The table and meal

Food and wine


And love

The safety 

The equality

The hug and the tub!

Whether lean or chub

Preferred naked and

Bare and beautiful 

Handsome too

The proud the 

Real presence and respect

The humble the honest

The truth in our pain

The erasing yes

To a large extent

Of the stain the drain

The atrocities to others

The crimes often unnamed

Or blamed, under the rug

Those abused left with shame

Let’s give light to yes

Those attacks on our characters

This willing us to blame to

Call out for no reason but

For their selfish personal gain.

We must change our ways now

Do in our actions our arts

That which will both heal and

Deal to those a quick swift heel!

Till we smile and in joy squeal!


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