Saturday, August 17, 2024

Nag nag nag a nagging a disquieting upsetting uneasy feeling not an easy peaceful feeling, the reverse! So here I go again with full throttle and full purpose yes yes yes yes YES!


The nag, the constant unease in anag a pull 

A tug a jerk a nudge a nasty feeling of not

Being or doing or making or sharing or being

Enough so I say Enough is enough! I have had

Enough to last me the rest of my life now I will 

Just focus on finishing what I have started and

Worked on so far all of my life to make me proud!

My work this morning Saturday morning August 17,2024 black acrylic on paper with brush, line drawings and shading and shadows gesturing suggesting life in black and grays and more! Enjoy! Tony 8/17/2024 Saturday morning now late

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