My quest in my art I
Do not ever question
I simply do it constantly
I work in series and develop
I open I bloom blossom so
Developing slowly quickly
Depending shallow deep so
Often serendipitously as in
Fluid jagged tortured tame
Seemingly effortlessly so
Yet often too stopped at
Roadblocks obstacles stacked
Testing teasing toying some
Slapping pulling tugging
Me be yanked spanked
Spun indoors outdoors sun
I get in the swing, music
A whole lot as a flush
Flood of energy enthusiasm
Carries my arms fingers
I just always am found by
My art that nests in me
I have no choice, not really
I must obey I must play I
Must let those forces flow
Whatever way they may in
Me mine I myself moi mio!
I cannot imagine doing
Really anything else
Art is me as I am Art
Art is all around me I
See and feel it so very
In everything
My senses are
Converted to
Too, to si so
Yes create!
I am inspired by Nature
That which is wild untamed
Raw earth dirt rocks and
Bramble dust and aged
Young and bursting
New growth popping
Up through rock and
Soil mud and water
The skies the sun
Moon and stars those
Sparks bursts Nature
Thirsts to quench my
Constant burning
Desires curiosities
I am lit within from
Without that intense
Flood of my senses
The rush the flow the
Crash the ebb the
Joyful pain in being
Fully alive , that I am
How is that? It is and
Yet how can it!?
Why me?! Why am
I here to do any of
This to react to out
World!?!?! To be me?!?!
It is my our quandary!?!?
Like death we do not
Understand know what
Why where Cohen and
Yet we know they are
Here in us our muses
Our companions, mentors
Masters inspirors fellows
Examples doing what
They must, at what be
Their callings? To who
Do they serve!?!?
Pawns and puppets
Pupils servants slaves?!?!
We all serve something
Or someones ! That is
Our given our lives
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