Monday, February 3, 2025

This is my test to do my very best, finally my weaknesses to bury, put them to rest, wast or west, north or south, pulling myself along by my earlobes, kicking myself repeatedly in the bunda! Venga vSenor piroca! Que linda que pequena , no Imports’s, vamos a ver el mondo huntos!

 Si si si claro que I see!

Eyes open at sun’s si

Angles not looking or

Aware of angels though 

Even their mention so

Opens many doors and

Yet nakedly doggedly 

Lionly snakely manly 

Guapoly hermosoly 

Sinceroly avec sourise 

Joie et ojos des ninos 

Con ustedes nous allons

Garder bien notre terre 

Comme il  bien faut 

I we us people must

Now ahora agora estar 

Les gens fuerte fierce!


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