Wednesday, February 5, 2025

My cul mine na na na nahhhh nation notion natural real I say say WAYWAY WAY say saidvsooooooo tions !


No reason


To delay

For the

Most part

Get on


With it!

What ever happened what!?

When it or they so did done

Takes tails wassails spun sung

I have I due diligence path made

On my own of my own, my terms

My germs mine merits inherits so

Tried tested turned I am able I do

Doubt internal memos to myself

Constant riddles roadblocks I set

I scared not of kitty cats some of

Trolls they are gruff they are Billy

Yet I go forth my fearlessness knows

No failure as each motion I take I

See positive possibs not just negs 

Yes always napping at me my mind

Worst enemy constant ally too and

In confidence in bravado I do motion

The notion the potion of success of

Completion cumpleting my mission

At hand figuratively handle satisfying-

Ly somehow someway some day NOW!

Why wait!?!?

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