META Facebook Instagram X!
Take a flying fuck and ove away!
I am not your property! I am not
Here for your profit or your gain
You are a bunch of addicts addicted
To that which draws attention to you
That which fills your coffers with
Money fame praise flatteries so false
To trade with our efforts our bodies
All with only your selfish bully gains
You care not a farthing peso euro $
For any of us and use us heartlessly
Meanly, visciously, greedily, grossly
So back off! Stop laying us for fools
Stop doing everything under R carpets
We deserve better, we are better, we R
Not bowing down to your treacheries!
We are all pawns of one sort or another
You are worse pawns, worse off than us.
And the sadness comes in you do not
Even know this, you R worse off!
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